And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided…(3:103)

Why to Recite the Holy Qura’n?

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الٓمّٓ (1) ذٰ لِكَ الْكِتٰبُ لَا رَيْبَ ۛ ۖ فِيْهِ ۛ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِيْنَ (2)

Quran Ayah Data not found….for Surah:2, Ayah:1 and Translation:24

Quran Surah:2 Ayah:1-2

“Alif. Lam. Mim2. This Book has no doubt in it –a guidance for the God-fearing.”

This is the first introduction of the Holy Qura’n chosen by Allah, the Almighty Himself. This is not only an introduction; rather it is also a reply to the question why we should recite the Holy Qura’n.

‘Alif, Lam, Meem’ are called isolated letters, meaning the letters recited having spelled. The scholar and commentators have given different explanations with regard to them.

One of them is that المّ are one of the isolate letters with the help of which you form the words and sentences and Allah too, despite it you are not able to reproduce the like of it – so to speak – Allah’s words are incomparable in every sense and none can reproduce the like of it. It is solely for this reason that the isolated letters generally prefix the Surahs where there is the mention of the Holy Qura’n as a challenge. Thus, the isolated letters stand as a convincing proof being the Holy Qura’n as incomparable and it is something important due to which it requires to be recited.

There have been mentioned a number of characteristics of the Holy Qura’nin itself the number of which, according to some people, runs around 55, to others 100 while according to others it exceeds more than 100. But, one of them الکتاب‘the Book’ is one which is mentioned first which may tend to carry three explanations.

Firstly, it is recorded i.e. preserved in its fullest from, hence its recitation is a must without any doubt.

Secondly, it is recorded i.e. something officially, hence, taking it into consideration is essential.

Thirdly, it is recorded i.e. a permanent arrangement should be made to write it down rather than being contented with its listening as it may its interpolation or damage.

In a nut-shell, all these three explanations given about الکتابreveal that fact as to why it should be recited.

Another characteristics of Qur’an described in the Holy Qura’n is لاریب فیہ. This is really a universal characteristic. On one hand, it reveals the certainty being it in safety, on the other hand, it urges a man to benefit from it. In other words, it makes one certain that its recitation is inevitable when there is no shadow of doubt being it in safety nor in its authenticity in preaching and contenetsnor its containing any contradiction and ambiguity, defect and crooked, rather, everything containing in it is authentic and comprehensive. Then why can’t it be worth-reciting?

The third characteristic of the Holy Qura’n mentioned in it is ھدی‘the book of guidance’. On one hand, the word ھدیpoints out the main objective of Quran’s revelation, on the other hand, it also implies that, God forbid, there is no use of Allah in its revelation; rather, it is we who stand in need of some guidance with view to leading our life. Really, it is nothing but through the virtue and mercy of Allah, the Almighty that He communicated it to us for our sake alone. The same thing i.e. the essence of guidance is explained in a verse of Surah Al-Fatihahas:

”اِھدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِیمَ ’’

“Take us on the straight path.”

It is in reply to this request that Allah,the Almighty revealed the entire Qura’nand declared its value through labeling it with the title as ھدی ‘the Book of guidance’. Even the excellence of the Holy Qura’n demands us to recite it to meet our needs concerned.

Here it is also worth-considering that the Holy Qur’an is not merely an ordinary book of guidance, rather, it excels all the rest of books of guidance in the world as it lead to the best of ways as Allah, the Almighty Himself laid out the fact in the verse:

اِنَّ هٰذَا الْقُرْاٰنَ يَهْدِىْ لِلَّتِىْ هِىَ اَقْوَمُ وَ يُبَشِّرُ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ الَّذِيْنَ يَعْمَلُوْنَ الصّٰلِحٰتِ اَنَّ لَهُمْ اَجْرًا كَبِيْرًا (9)

Quran Ayah Data not found….for Surah:17, Ayah:9 and Translation:24

Quran Surah:17 Ayah:9

“Surely, this Qur’an guides tosomething that is moststraightforward.”

Obviously, when the Holy Qura’n guides us to the best of ways, it also deserves to be recited in certainty. One who avoids reciting it, never can he be led towards the best of ways, guidance.

The word ھدیalso points out to the fact that the Holy Qura’n must be recited solely with view to find guidance from it rather than showing off as a great or expert scholar of it or with intention to substantiating one’s self-raised arguments as it is no way compatible with the main objective of its revelation.

Here, a condition of للمتقین also has been added to ھدی, while at another places it has been added with different word as للناس. Then, what is the reason behind this difference while the word للمتقین refers to the elites while the word الناس refers to the common run of mankind? As a matter of fact, this difference is based only on the difference of contexts, that is, the word ھدی للناس has been used where it was meant to declare its official authenticity so that, it becomes clear enough that officially it stands as a guidance for the whole mankind. As for its benefit, it has been referred to the pious – so that it becomes rather clear that only those can benefit from it in its true spirit who is pious and righteous one.

Obviously, the true pious are the believers, hence, they should not remain independent from it, rather, they must recite it with view to deriving utmost benefits from it. It is the message that underlies the paraphrase ھدی للمتقین.

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